Monday, January 16, 2017

QT Marshall (c) vs. Bryan Danielson (IWA-PR, Summer Attitude, 7/17/2010)

One of Bryan's matches in-between being cut from NXT and WWE bringing him back on-board, this was for Marshall's IWA Puerto Rico championship. Despite this top billing, the match is largely underwhelming, taking a solid foundation of Marshall's heavy, undisciplined strikes forcing Danielson on the defensive and robbing him of his chain wrestling skills. But the David vs. Goliath narrative is thwarted by Marshall's minuscule size advantage, to say nothing of Danielson never showing an ounce of fear against Marshall's assault. The work is crisp enough, but that's the least it could be given how little they do. The match threatens to gain some steam when Danielson does his surfboard fake-out into a knee stomp, only for the feed to go to commercial. Things resume with some slams from Marshall that Danielson eventually counters into a small-package for 2 before working his way to an eventual comeback with some clotheslines and a missile dropkick. Marshall gets too cocky and taunts Danielson with the title, only to get his dumb ass caught in a Yes lock for the tap. A weird, flat match for Danielson's IWA-PR debut, especially given that he won the belt his first night.

Match Rating: **

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